The National Consumer Rights & Anti-Crime Bureau (NCR & ACB) will strive to bring together all those who cherish democratic values in all spheres of life –social, economic and political –and take active steps to preserve, defend and strengthen democracy. The NCR & ACB shall be a non-party, non-Governmental organisation (NGO). However, it shall strive to guide public opinion by propagating rational and constructive views on human rights, dedicating itself to the cause of the people and the victims of state oppression. With this end in view, the organisation shall make ceaseless efforts: To build a sound public opinion and to mobilise it in defence of human rights of all nationalities especially the people struggling for their right of self-determination.

What We Do


— To Promote & Protect

  • The Right to be protected against marketing of good which are hazardous to life and property
  • Freedom of Promoting there own products

— We Build Networks

  • Meet consumer forum and inform them to conducting there events and activities.
  •  To improve access to information that consumers require.

— We Strengthen

  • To provide Rights to consumers.
  • Our teams are in all over India and also we rapidly action against illegal activities 

— We Educate

  • Right to consumers educations
  • To promote and sustain competition in market.

— We Provide Care

  • To protect the economic interest of consumers.
  •  we are fight against crimes.

— We Consult

  • Organization will appoints one Legal Advisor and he will attend any legal issues.  
  • To work for structural changes to fulfil socio-economic and political aspirations of all nationalities, ensuring protection of their ethnic, religious and cultural identities. To secure recognition of the principles of universal brother-hood, socio- economical and political justice, and the dignity of the individual. And on basis, combat racism and eradicate untouchability, casteism, communalism, chauvinism, dowry, bride burning including Sati (immolation).
  • To educate people about their fundamental rights, civil liberties, prestige and fostering of democratic value by organising seminars to raise and awaken public consciousness. To secure recognition to the right of public dissent and generally to lend support to the struggling people who are fighting to defend their religious, cultural, linguistic and ethnic identities against the ruling classes’ attempts to oppress these just and democratic struggles.
  • To comprehend national and international problems in their depth, complexity and essence and to counter misinformation/disinformation and false propaganda against their people engineered by the States concerned.
  • To establish local and overseas chapters and create liaison with national and international organisations with similar mission.
  • To strive for the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, freedom of the Press and other mass media.
  • To mobilize public opinion against draconian measures and black laws and to secure the rule of law, according to internationally established norms and standards.
  • To strive for the right to have access to information.
  • To work for such other things as may be necessary from time to time and/or incidental to the aforesaid objects.