Rights & Duties

The right to satisfaction of basic needs :

To have access to basic, essential goods and services: adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, education, public utilities, water and sanitation.

The right to safety :

To be protected against products, production processes and services which are hazardous to health or life.

The right to be informed :

To be given the facts needed to make an informed choice, and to be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising and labelling.

The right to choose :

To be able to select from a range of products and services, offered at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory quality.

The right to consumer education :

To acquire knowledge and skills needed to make informed, confident choices about goods and services, while being aware of basic consumer rights and responsibilities and how to act on them.

The right to a healthy environment :

To live and work in an environment which is non-threatening to the well-being of present and future generations.

Right to Freedom:

Right to freedom is an important fundamental right. Every one is free to express his thoughts and ideas through speeches, writing or through newspapers. He is free to criticize and speak against the policies ofthe Government, if he does not agree with them. He is free to move about and carry on any trade or business in any part of India.

Right to Freedom of Religion:

The State has no religion. It does not favor any religion. All religions are equal before the law. Every citizen is free to practice, propagate and worship any religion he likes. The State does notinterfere with anybody’s faith.

Right to Equality:

All citizens are equal before the law. There is no discrimination between the rich and the poor, high or the low. There is no discrimination of caste, creed, religion, sex or place of birth. Every citizen can get the highest office for which he has the ability and the required qualifications.

Right to Education and Culture:

Every child is tree to receive education in any educational institution without distinction of caste, creed, religion and sex. He is free to receive education up to any level. The minority groups are free to preserve their own language and culture. They are free to give education to their children in any school.

Right Against Exploitation :

It means nobody can be forced to do work without wages. Nobody can take a beggar. It also prohibits to take work from anybody against his wishes and the children below 18 years of age to work in factories, mines and other risky occupa­tions.

Right to Constitutional Remedies :

This right is the most important right and protects all the fundamental rights. When someone feels that his fundamental rights are being harmed in any way or he is being denied the fundamental rights, he can approach any court of law to seek justice. Supreme Court is the h1ighest court of the country and is the guardian of our fundamental rights.


 Rights and duties go side by side. Rights without duties are meaningless. If we do not do our duties properly, we should not expect rights. Therefore our Constitution has listed some fundamental duties for its citizens. We should carry out our duties for the smooth running of our country. Some of our fundamental duties are as follows.

 We must obey the law of our country. We should enjoy our rights and freedom only up to the limit they do not interfere with the freedom and the rights of the others. We should defend our country in times of need and if need be, we should sacrifice our life and property for the sake of our country. We should protect our National Property. Railways, roadways, bridges, schools, colleges, post-offices, historical buildings and forests are all our national property. It is one of our fundamental duties that we must pay our taxes honestly and in time. Our Government is run by the income from our taxes.